Thursday, September 6, 2007

My Sister the College Student

There are a few times in a man's life when he can consciously remember a tear coming to his eye. Perhaps the birth of his first child, receiving his first automobile, or the first time he talks to his inebriated sister at college. For me, the latter was definitely one of those occasions.

Ever since arriving at college four or so days ago, Kady has been out to defecate on the Catholic diocese. Beliefs that apply to many catholics such as possession of a threefold ministry, veneration of Mary mother of Jesus, and the continuous organizational descent from the original church founded by Jesus, are just a few of Seton Hall's strict foudations that my sister wishes to challenge. And who can blame her. wasn't it Jesus's curious nature that lead him to the finding of Catholicism? Would Seton Hall even been standing today, if Jesus had not decide to dabble in Goyism?

So my advice to you Kady (that is if you have continued to read this far) is to branch out and explore the curiosity that comes with entering college or any new surrounding for that matter. Maybe head to a church service or two. But just make sure that if you are going to subject yourself to a catholic service, you owe it to yourself to take part in the body or Christ. (*** I would like to just make a side reference here to inform Eric that the body of Christ is a lot like his body - alcohol and wafers).

In related news, I was watching a show on MSNBC that I think was called "Inside America's Prisons." I'm not sure if it was pure coincidence or a strategically made video to scare the life out of me, but I swear that every inmate they interviewed was from Newark, NJ. Kady please do me a favor and stay the hell out of Newark.

Hope all is well with everyone, and I look forward to seeing you all in a few days. Kady please say a hail mary for Penn State.


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