Well, I am officially the new third grade teacher. Today the lady I work with gave birth to a baby boy, and all I gave birth to was an ulcer.
It isn't all that bad. My mornings run very smoothly, and all the kids in my morning reading group (a two and a half hour block) are my classroom students. This is good because they understand my rules and expectations.
At the end of the day, I gave my students a few minutes to make pictures for Mrs. Doe. As they were handing their pictures in, I noticed that one boy had drawn a picture of a lady giving birth to a child. Of course, I thought that this was the greatest card ever made, and I can't wait to deliver to my mentor teacher in the hospital. This card is almost as good as a letter that one of my girls gave to me yesterday. Written in the most beautiful handwriting was a card that read, "Dear Mrs. Doe and Mr. Schwartz, I can't wait until you have your baby!" Not only was the message great but she had drawn a beautiful flower and balloons on the front. I will also include that card in the package I deliver tomorrow.
I cannot wait for Friday to arrive, and I think that I might check out a Pow Wow that is happening in Pierre this weekend, as some of my students will be there dancing. I'll make sure to let everyone know how it goes. In the mean time hope all is well with everyone. Much love.
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